TRT will work to promote D-8 visibility

14 February 2018, Ankara-Turkey
Turkish State media TRT will help enhance the visibility of the Developing Eight Organization for Economic Cooperation through its visual media communications. Mr. Ibrahim Eren, Director-General of TRT assured Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, D-8 Secretary-General, cooperation during their meeting at the former’s office in Ankara on 13 February 2018. 
The two interlocutors discussed possible areas of cooperation and focused particularly on the fact that the D-8 was not sufficiently visible in the Member States and other parts of the world. They agreed that in order to augment visibility, identification of focal points for continual news feed were of particular essence. They agreed to identify focal points in their relevant organizations so that news and information were expeditiously and timely passed on to feed the people current news and developments about the D-8. 
Mr. Eren agreed to prepare a D-8 corporate video with the available resources from the TRT archive and later focus on a comprehensive documentary on the D-8 tourism prospect. He also agreed that inclusion of D-8 news items in the scroll would keep people more informed of D-8 activities and current developments. 
D-8 and TRT agreed to cooperate to liaise with the Member States for selection of candidates from the D-8 Member States for the ‘International Media Training Program’ to be organized by the TRT tentatively in November 2018. 

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