D-8 Secretary-General receives delegation from Selcuklu Municipality

25 July 2017, Istanbul-Turkey
Mr. Ayhan GÜRBÜZER, Dierctor of the Konya Selcuklu Municipality External Relations Department paid a visit to the D-8 Secretariat on 25 July 2017 and called on Dr. Seyed AliMohammad Mousavi, D-8 Secretary-General. He was accompanied by Mr. Engin Uslu, expert at the External Relations Depertment of the Municipality.
During the meeting, the two interlocutors discussed various issues and exchanged views on means and ways of fostering relationships among the local governments of D-8 Member States. Mr. Gürbüzer informed that Konya is a unique city that has made giant strides in Industry, Agriculture and Tourism and is willing to share its development experiences and practices with the local governments of D-8 Member States. Dr. Mousavi praised the initiative and promised to support efforts aimed at realizating the idea.

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