D-8 Secretary-General addressed Traditional Iftar Program of Erbakan Foundation

18 June 2017, Istanbul-Turkey
On the occasion of Ramadan, the 5th traditional iftar program was organized by the Erbakan Foundation at Feshane International Fair Congress and Cultural Center in Istanbul, Turkey. The iftar program was opened by Mr. Huseyin Terzi, the President of Erbakan Foundation Istanbul Branch with thanks speech and ended by speech of Mr. Fatih Erbakan, President of Erbakan Foundation. The D-8 Secretary-General, Dr. Seyed AliMohammad Mousavi also delivered an address at the occasion. 
In his statement, Dr. Mousavi delivered his praise to Mr. Fatih Erbakan, President of Erbakan Foundation, and Erbakan Foundation for their worthy support to the D-8 Organization. Furthermore, Dr. Mousavi pointed out that the D-8 Organizaton has celebrated its 20th anniversary and the D-8 Organization has made breakthroughs during this period in sectors such as Trade, Agriculture, Industry and Technology Transfer and emphasized expected bright future of the D-8 Organization with the 9th Summit to be held this year in Turkey. 
Dr. Mousavi added that, at this time, as founding father of the D-8 Organization, late Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan’s absence reminds us of a vacuum in leadership for those practicing true spirit of Islam and wished for developed and prosperous Islamic Ummah with cooperation among Islamic countries.

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