D-8 and SESRIC to pursue more cooperative efforts

04 April 2017, Istanbul-Turkey
Ambassador Musa Kulaklikaya, Director-General of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), a subsidiary organ of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), made a courtesy call on Dr. Seyed AliMohammad Mousavi, D-8 Secretary-General, at the latter’s office.
They exchanged fruitful discussion on possible mutual cooperation and knowledge sharing. Dr. Mousavi recalled the fruitful meetings he held with SESRIC earlier and subsequent implementation of decisions in areas of information sharing and cooperation in data management. He thanked the Director-General for their part to develop a D-8 Motion Chart Portal which gave an easy way to visualize D-8 statistical figures. He hoped that the two Organizations would work further to develop more cooperative platforms so that both benefitted from the cooperation. 
Ambassador Musa thanked the Secretary-General for the warm reception and seconded the views expressed by him on the need for intense cooperation so that both Organizations reaped maximum benefits for the common good of their Member States. 
The SESRIC was founded as a subsidiary organ of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in pursuance of Resolution No. 2/8-E adopted by the Eighth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (ICFM), held in Tripoli in May 1977. The Centre started its activities in Ankara on 1 June 1978. The basic mandate drawn up for SESRIC is threefold: to collate, process and disseminate socio-economic statistics and information on and for the utilization of the member countries; to study and evaluate the economic and social developments in the member countries to help generate proposals that will initiate and enhance co-operation among them; and to organize training programs in selected fields geared to the needs of the member countries as well as to the general objectives of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

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