36th session of D-8 Commission held in Islamabad

04 June 2015, Islamabad-Pakistan
36th regular session of the D-8 Commission was held in Islamabad, Pakistan from 4-5 June 2015 at the Chairmanship of Pakistan. Commissioners and Heads of delegation from all the D-8 Member States took part in the 2-day session. Mr. Syed Tariq Fatemi, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs inaugurated the meeting and made opening statement. 
Mr. Fatemi expressed confidence that the Commission would review the progress made since the last Commission in June 2014 in Islamabad and take necessary measures to expedite the process of cooperative partnership to a new height. 
The Commission would discuss progress in regular activities of the Organization, including finalizing the Calendar of Events for 2015, consideration on the update of legal documents, status and future course on the EPG recommendations, next Council meetings, the Summit etc. 
It may be mentioned that the Commission is the Executive body of the Principal Organ of the D-8 Organization. The Commission meets twice each year in accordance with the directives stipulated in the D-8 Charter. It is presided over by the Chairman-in-Office. 
Photos of this meeting can be viewed from the following link:

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