D-8 now Observer at the UNGA

15 December 2014, Istanbul,Turkey
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) unanimously adopted the Resolution granting ‘Observer Status’ to the D-8 Organization. At the 68th Meeting of the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly, all the Member States of the United Nations adopted the text of the resolution on Observer status for the Developing Eight Countries Organization for Economic Cooperation in the General Assembly without a vote. 
The Sixth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly in its 18th meeting on 23 October 2014 adopted the draft resolution concerning grant of Observer Status to the Developing Eight Organization for Economic Cooperation without a vote. With the adoption of the resolution recommended by the Sixth Committee, the process of obtaining observer status at the UNGA has come to fruition. The Secretary-General of the D-8 congratulates all the Members of the D-8 for this significantly forward movement and thanks the untiring efforts of all in furthering the process. 
Observer status in the General Assembly will enable the Developing Eight Countries Organization for Economic Cooperation strengthen its public visibility, benefit from worldwide experience, including the opportunity to enhance its capacity-building process, and share a platform with international community. As a young and promising intergovernmental organization, it looks forward to the opportunity to work closely with the United Nations. Such closer relations will enable it to make great strides in its march forward and to play its due role at the regional and international levels, particularly with regard to the peoples of its member States.

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