First D-8 – ECO Film Festival and D-8 Day in Istanbul

20 September, 2013 | Istanbul Congress Center -Turkey
The ever first Istanbul Developing Countries Film Festival began on 20 September 2013 at Istanbul Congress Center in Istanbul-Turkey with a glittering opening ceremony attended by Governor of Istanbul; Hüseyin Avni Mutlu, the Cabinet Minister of Indonesia and former D-8 Secretary-General; Dipo Alam , as an honor guest, Undersecretary of Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Mr. Ozgur Ozaslan, High Dignitaries from the Government of Turkey, Consulates General, important figures, film Directors and media people from D-8 (Developing 8) countries, and also the ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization) countries and a large number of  students from several Universities in Istanbul.  The opening ceremony started with the speeches delivered by Mr. Ihsan Kabil, Director of the Film Festival, D-8 Secretary General Dr. Mousavi, Undersecretary Mr. Ozaslan, Governor of Istanbul and Mr. Dipo Alam. The popular film from Indonesia, “Habibie & Ainun”, was screened at the end of ceremony. 
In his speech to the opening ceremony, D-8 Secretary-General Dr. Mousavi underlined that this first launch of cultural activity will pave the way to many more events to take place in the future, which not only will have significant effect in enhancing the visibility of Organization, but also, will bring D-8 countries much closer.  “It is now time for more practical cooperation and D-8 countries would like to see a concrete action plan in cultural cooperation,” he added. 
These kinds of activities will enhance cultural exchanges within D-8 Countries, said Ozgur Ozaslan, Turkey’s Undersecretary of Ministry of Culture and Tourism. “Turkey aims to accelerate cultural development as well as economic growth in the D-8 countries”, he added. 
Speaking at the meeting, Governor Mutlu called on the D-8 countries to explore their potential at cultural sector. He told that D-8 Countries have to promote and enhance joint efforts towards achieving sustainable socio-cultural development through effective utilization of their cultural and social potentials.
The festival was to exhibit a selected group of films from D-8 and ECO member countries to facilitate the meeting of cinema people to see the possibilities of cooperation between the filmmakers and the possibilities of marketing and distributing their artistic works. It continued to 27 September by screening 45 well renowned films from the D-8 and ECO countries in eight movie theaters in Istanbul.
Along aside the Film Festival, the D-8 Secretariat held a reception to commemorate the 16th anniversary of D-8 Organization of Economic Cooperation. 
Photos of the event can be viewed from the following gallery:

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