Pakistan Urges D-8 to Further Expand Trade Relations

2 -3 September 2013, Islamabad-Pakistan
On the sideline of the 33rd Session of the Commission, held in 2-3 September 2013 in Islamabad, Pakistan, Secretary-General Mousavi visited H.E. Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs and National Security, in his office, where they exchanged views for the enhancement of cooperation among the member states. Mr. Aziz expressed that D-8 member countries need to further expand trade relations and urged the organization to initiate the phase of substantive cooperation by making operational the agreements related to removing barriers in trade and business, particularly the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA). 
H.E. Sartaj Aziz suggested that the member countries can take initiatives for cooperation in capacity building, transfer of technology, transfer of capital, labour, energy and food security, Islamic banking, and Halal sector development.
Secretary-General Mousavi briefed Mr. Aziz on the recent developments on the PTA with a strong emphasize on the need to activate the D-8 private sector to boost D-8 economic cooperation. Mr. Mousavi also informed Mr. Aziz on the agenda of the 33rd Session of the Commission. 
Photos of the Meeting can be viewed from the link below:

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