D-8 and ISC signed an MoU to promote cooperation on Scientific Research and Higher Education

3 -4 July 2013, Shiraz- Iran
In a recent meeting between D-8 Secretary-General, Seyed Ali Mohammad Mousavi, and President of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Prof. Jafar Mehrad important figure from both Organization exchanged views on the issue of establishing a good partnership and build up relation with universities and research centers as well as how to develop higher education and scientific cooperation among D-8 countries.
First day, at ISC campus, Prof. Mehrad gave briefing to Dr. Mousavi on ISC’s goals, objectives, scientific performances, missions and shared scientific map of D-8 member States based on ISC databases. Both figures shared their thoughts during the visit, and committed to study the framework of cooperation to enhance scientific research among the D-8 member countries.
Second day, D-8 Secretary General, Deputy Minister of Science, Research and Technology Dr. Mehdi Nejad Noori attended a gathering of Chancellors from twenty five universities across Iran including Shiraz, Tehran, Ahvaz Shahid Chamran, Yazd, Semnan, Isfahan Industrial, Tabriz and Isfahan universities. Chancellors were introduced the concept of D-8 university cooperation, after that they shared their knowledge, suggestions and experiences. 
In his statement, Secretary-General Mousavi underlined a large number of potential scientific researches are going in D-8 universities. He also emphasized to expedite scientific research and active collaboration among education and scientific research communities of D-8 member countries by exchanging researchers.
At the end of the meeting both parties, D-8 and ISC, signed an  MOU with the aim of establishing ISC Branch Office and  producing effective policies in the field of science and technology in D-8 countries, holding workshops and establishing an ISC scholarship for D-8 research communities.
Photos of the meetings can be viewed from the following gallery: [http://www.flickr.com/photos/developing8/sets/72157633116773750/page3/]

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