Turkey Offers its Full-Fledged Support to D-8 Organization

2 May 2013, Ankara Turkey
D-8 Secretary-General, H.E. Seyed Ali Mohammad Mousavi paid an official visit to Ankara, Turkey on 2 May 2013. During the visit, Secretary-General had constructive meetings with Ministers of Industry and Energy.
During his visit with Minister of Industry, H.E. Nihat Ergun, Secretary General thanked Turkey as a founding member for its full support and assistance to the D-8. Latter Secretary General discussed several issues on industry which is one of the D-8 Priority Areas. Secretary-General said that industry plays a significant role in D-8 economies and is the key generator of employment income and innovation. There are 12 working groups under industry and with the aim to explore ways to further enhance industrial cooperation among the member countries. 
Minister of Energy, H.E. Taner Yildiz also gave a warm welcome to Secretary-General. Secretary General underlined the Turkey’s potential on energy especially renewable energy and Turkish private sector investments in the D-8 countries. 
Minister Yildiz said that there are huge human and natural resources in the D-8 countries. “D-8 can emerge as a powerful organization through proper utilization of the resources”, he added. The Minister also assured his full support and cooperation to strengthen cooperation on energy and also expressed his readiness to host one of the future ministerial energy meetings in Turkey.

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