D-8 Successfully Concludes Its 2nd Supervisory Meeting on PTA

28 March 2013, Ankara Turkey
Representatives from all member states (Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey) have successfully wrapped up the second supervisory meeting on the Preferential Trade Agreement on Friday (29 March 2013) in Ankara, Turkey, and inked several important notes such as an agreement to set up a cut-off date as 1st August 2013 for the implementation of first installment, by the Contracting Parties.  
The D-8 Organization also considered the idea of establishing a Subcommittee of Experts, which will be considered further in the third Supervisory Committee Meeting, which will be held on sidelines of the Trade Ministers Council Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, in mid of this year.
It was also agreed that prior to the holding of the third Supervisory Committee Meeting, Contracting Parties will submit their views and feedbacks to the Secretariat, with regard to the para-tariffs and non-tariff barriers, as well as to advance discussions on these issues among member states.
The Report of this meeting has been circulated by the Secretariat to its focal point in Ministry of Foreign Affairs of each member countries.
Photos of the meeting can viewed in the gallery page of this website  [www.flickr.com/photos/developing8/sets/72157633140116918/]

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