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19 October 2017, Istanbul-Turkey

At the commencement of the 17th Session of the D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers on 19 October 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey, Mr. Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan handed over of Chairmanship of… Read More

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07 July 2017, Istanbul-Turkey

The 9th Summit of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation will be held on 20th October 2017 in Istanbul. The Government of the Republic of Turkey has announced the date of the apex meeting today.  The Summit will be preceded… Read More

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17-18 August 2017, Istanbul-Turkey

38th session of the D-8 Commission was held in Istanbul on 17-18 August 2017 with the Chairmanship of Pakistan. Commissioners and Heads of delegation from all the D-8 Member States took part in the 2-day session.  The Commission discussed, among… Read More

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